About the Council

Macklin Town Council consists of one mayor and six councilors who were elected to serve a four-year term.

Regular Council Meetings

Regular meetings of Town Council are open to the public and are held monthly on the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held inside Council Chambers at the Macklin Town Office, 5001 Press Avenue.

Speaking before Council

Individuals or groups wishing to make a delegation directly to Council should contact the CAO in writing not less than five days prior to Council's regular meeting date to be included in the meeting agenda.

Tips for Presenting:

  • Delegations are typically placed at the beginning of the agenda, unless a specific time is requested and granted by Council. When Council is ready to hear the delegation, the Mayor or acting Chair will call the individual(s) forward to address Council. Spokespersons should stand behind the podium and state their name for the record.
  • A high level of decorum is expected of delegates in attendance. Please refrain from talking when other delegations are speaking and when Council is in session.
  • Delegations should not exceed more than 15 minutes, excluding time to answer any questions put forward by Council. Unless otherwise permitted, spokespersons should be limited to one individual.
  • Direct comments to the Mayor, not to staff members or members of the gallery.
  • If you wish to leave after you have been heard by Mayor and Council, please do so in a quiet and orderly manner so as to not interrupt the proceedings.
  • If any audio/visual equipment is required, please advise the CAO prior to the meeting. If using materials like DVDs, CDs, or USB flash drives, please provide any information in advance, if possible.
  • Please provide at least 10 copies of any written material not submitted prior to the meeting
  • Councillors will ask only those questions which are relevant to the subject of the hearing and will avoid repetition. Delegations speaking to the subject will be restricted to the subject matter only.
  • Any decision items required by or related to a delegation issue will be informed by letter of any Council resolutions that result from speaking with Council.